
Piconia | Timberone | Valanone B

Isolongifolanone is a mixture isomer liquid with persistent woody and earthy odors. And smelled like patchouli and rock orchid.


According U.S. Patent No.3718698 that Isolongifolanone can be oxidized with sodium dichromate in acetic acid to provide a mixture of saturated and unsaturated ketones. It was further suggested in this Netherlands specification that the mixture of compounds so obtained could be used in perfume compositions. The mixture so formed contained relatively small amounts of the saturated ketone. The other process is learn from U.K.Patent No.1434035.



HS.Code: 29021900
Molecular Formula:


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  • used as flavor formula on daily products
  • is the important synthetic intermediate on Acetyl Isolongifolene, Picomate, Isolongifolene and other ambergris flavors
  • has been used as a bridged core to prepare a chiral ligand for the estrogen receptor to prevent and treat breast cancer, and for menopausal hormone replacement
  • used as a natural insecticide and pesticide
  • used as sesquiterpene repellent of ticks and mosquitoes


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