98% Isolongifolene

Isolongifolene has woody and amber incense odors, has been widely used as fragrances in cosmetics, perfumers, space sprays, detergents, deodorants, fabrics, fibers, and soap, tobacco, creams, paper products. In addition, Isolongifolene inhibits tyrosinase that is multifunctional copper-containing enzyme for melanin biosynthesis in plants and animals, also, hydrogenated Isolongifolene has been used as a bridged core to prepare a chiral ligand for the estrogen receptor that could be useful in regulating fertility, preventing, and treating breast cancer, and for menopausal hormone replacement. Isolongifolene also used as a natural insecticide and pesticide.



HS.Code: 29021900
Molecular Formula:


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  • uesd as food flavoring
  • used as fragrances in personal care
  • used as a natural insecticide and pesticide


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